Family Violence Hurts!

You are not alone.

Any person of any gender can be a victim of abuse. Abuse in relationships can affect people from any demographic -- cultural, national and ethnic origin, socio-economic status, education, gender, age and physical or mental ability.

Abuse can take many forms, which can include: harassment, verbal abuse, threats, financial abuse, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, neglect, damage to property, injury to pets,
physical abuse, sexual abuse, and homicide.

Perhaps you haven’t considered that you are the victim in an abusive relationship.

Perhaps you haven’t considered that your behaviour may be abusive and hurtful in a relationship.

No matter what your role; ABUSE is not okay. It’s not right. It’s very damaging.

Being able to recognize abusive behaviour is an important step in moving forward. The next step is to seek help and support.

Learn the warning signs

Family violence hurts. It can cause physical and psychological harm. Family violence violates the victim's rights and freedoms. Family violence harms the healthy development of children and youth.

If you are being abused, you need to know that you do not ‘deserve' it. You are not to blame for the violence or threats. Every human being has the right to live his or her own life without fear. There is nothing you can do to control the abuser's behaviour. The abuser is using abusive behaviour in an attempt to control you. If the abuse is allowed to continue it will probably get worse.

There are many services available on PEI that can help you. If you are not ready to do anything right now, that is your choice and it is okay.

Use the information in this website to make personal choices - whether now or later.

Information for everyone:

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do I really know what family violence is?
  2. Do I know the warning signs of abuse?
  3. Do I need a safety plan?

Learn more about PEI services that can help: